Life Members & Vice Presidents

Life Members and Vice Presidents are members who have usually served the Club with distinction over a prolonged period of time, usually in excess of 20 years.

The service of Life Members has usually included a significant period time as an officer of the Club.

Such members are elected after due consideration at the AGM.

Life Members
R S Barker
C F Bentall
P J S Browne
J W Clarke
A J Cox
P J Forman
D I Kaye
M J Lowe
J A Murphy
R G Page
R A Schaffer
C Shaw
D Smith
D T Watts
L H Wood

Vice Presidents
J C Adams
Mrs M Armstrong
Mrs K Atha
L Austin
T Brockwell
K Burgess
A Cook
G Cook
N M J Eastman
I Fraser
A Gianni
R Gould
A Griffiths
K Hughes
Mrs M Hughes
Mrs P Hughes
R Johnson
R L Johnson
P Kaye
Mrs T Kaye
J T Kinsley
J Knight
G Lewis
J Lodge
A London
J London
Mrs W Lowe
P Manning
N McAndrew
A Manro
K Marshall
Mrs P M Napier
S Napier
D C Nash
D Oestel
M R O’Sullivan
M Perton
I Pope
D K Poynter
Mrs C Quinn
P Richardson
S Robinson
O Roland-Jones
R Roland-Jones
T Roland-Jones
J D Salter
M Serpant
Mrs D Sharman
S Smith
C Tibbetts
R Utting
J Ventham
L V Wardle
P J Watts
J K M White
Mrs Y Wood